Power BI Foundations




At the end of DAY 1 of the course, you will be able to –

  • Get introduced to Power BI architecture and different roles in Power BI development.
  • Use Power BI Desktop, connect to various data sources – CSV, EXCEL, SQL Database, Online Data and Tables.
  • Use Power Query to transform the source data in to Tables.
  • Create Parameter Queries, Use some M query language and alter the auto generated code.
  • Develop relations between the tables.
  • Understand tables relationships, cross filter and more aspects of relationships.
  • Revise what we learnt and a QA Session.

At the end of DAY 2 of the course, you will be able to –

  • Write simple DAX Code, Understand difference between calculated columns and measures.
  • Get introduced to Calculate function, Time Intelligence functions, Filter and Row context of evaluating Dax formulas and context transition.
  • Create your first visualization report.
  • Understand all the visual elements in Power BI and how to use third party visuals.
  • Format your report.
  • Create a Cross Filter reports Page.
  • Publish your report to Power BI Service.
  • Get more information and understanding about Power BI Service, ‘Power BI Pro’ & App Workspaces.
  • Know the difference between Reports & Dashboards.
  • Revise what we learnt so far and a QA session.


  1. Candidates are expected to have basic knowledge of Data Analysis in Excel or on any other platform, using Pivot Tables or any other BI tool is highly preferred.
  2. The course is delivered online. Candidates are expected to have a good internet connection and a Windows 10 laptop.
SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information


Feb: 1 Feb – 15 Feb, Feb: 15 Feb – 28 Feb, Jan: 1 Jan – 15 Jan, Jan: 15 Jan – 30 Jan